HI Pump Track

The Vision

To provide a new free to use recreation facility and a social space in Histon or Impington for families, children, teenagers and others to enjoy. It will also help us to diversify exercise options offered locally.


Report Findings released: After a number of months the finding of the consultation is out! You can download the document here, check HI Hub for more information.

Launch of public consultation: On the 30th November we are launching a 4 week public consultation about the pump track. We will publish the list of land villagers highlighted, give the scoring rubric of how we rated the land and launch a questionnaire for villagers to give input and feedback for the next steps.

We are now a charity: As of 26th June 2023, the Charity Commission has granted charity status “HISTON AND IMPINGTON PUMP TRACK” Charity Number 1203727; this will now allow us to set up a bank account and start to fundraise along with the hunt for suitable land.